In this video we will go over how to diagnose and fixed diagnostic trouble code p0128 coolant temperature below regulated temperature. Today we’re working on a Jeep Grand Cherokee. showing you a quick overview of the cooling system and thermostat assembly.
Tag: Error Code

In this video, I will show you how to fix p0101 mass air flow sensor circuit. We’re working on a 2011 Nissan Altima and in this video, I just wanted to go over a few things we found. First, we tried cleaning the mass air flow sensor which in a lot of cases can help and is always a good thing to try before replacing the mass air flow sensor.
If you need to know how to clean the mass air flow sensor they do sell mass air flow sensor cleaner here . Sometimes just this alone will fix a p0101 On this vehicle, we actually had to replace the mass air flow sensor and also there’s a service bulletin that states a computer should be updated with new software to prevent this problem from happening. We deliver all this information in this video about Nissan’s mass air flow problems.
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Okay in this video I will explain what a flashing d means on your shift indicator and what you should do to fix it.
If you have a flashing D on your shift indicator that typically means you have a transmission problem and you will need to get it scanned for diagnostic trouble codes.
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Depending on what transmission codes you have stored will determine your next course of action. Feel free to list what codes you have in your Honda in the comments below.
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